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Search results

  1. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Zach Braff with a brit acent. Woow. Yeah, screw the fact that I crossed it out. House/Scrubs=ohmigod wut. Y/Y/n
  2. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    JD's brains would be fried. Imagine Cox being mean to a Whismur and Janitor using Pachurisu for his..squirrel army. x3
  3. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    ^oh. Thank you. *phew* So. I do believe we need discussion. Two, t'make up: 1.-Any favorite characters/one you are most like? Any and all newbies:Info on chacracters. 2.-Any crossovers? HOOOOOOUSE EMM DEEEE
  4. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Rule #2: Don't bump unless you really, really mean it. Before replying to a topic, it is highly recommended to look at the date when the last reply to it was posted. If it is fairly old (a month is a rough guideline), it is often just best to let the topic die. If it's a topic relating strictly...
  5. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    OMIGOD BUMP. O.o Uh....sure. I just hope you don't get in trouble.
  6. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    For the record, does anyone else see all the Friends-Scrubs connections here? I'll explain later.
  7. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    If the Janitor doesn't come back soon...*grabs pitchfork* Y'now, I'll join you, Lucas. Oh, BTW, has anyone seen the webisodes on the ABC website?'Cause I will.=3
  8. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Yup, this is a good start. Steakniiight~ Damn, now I'm gonna be saying that for weeks. I now officially love Edward the intern.*grins*
  9. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Ok.*nodnod* Also, I need your help, guyz! Should we have a: Scrubs art contest, where you either scan pictures, or make them on paint, or: Scrubs icon fiind, in with we see how many icons we can find. EX: Or both!*squeee*
  10. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    *ragglesnaggle* Don't forget the trophies gots it?!?!>> I'll get to it soon.
  11. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    ...Uh, never mind....Technechally, Profy's just my way of sayin' profile. Jut...don't click it.
  12. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    1.True...it remided me that J.D.'s a guy.O____o 2. The actor's name is... John C. McGintley. Knew it from the top of my head, on account of spending wayyyyy too many hours in whilist other people were outside in summer.xD 3.None of you clicked that profy link at the top...right?
  13. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Guys! Guys.... Look wha-at I got,Look wha-at I got,Look wha-at I-*shot* SEASON.FLIPPING.EIGHT.PREVIEW! *squeeee* Watch it, comment, scream like a tiny,blubblering girl if desired. That all instruction that you need to watch,G-DARNZ it. That is all.
  14. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Probably. Huh, I sense a new topic comin' along...
  15. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    I'd, of course jump around,considering I was there. Then I'd ask the Janitor If I could borrow J.D's keys to Sasha. Joy ride FTW.
  16. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    *mouth hung slack in total happy-shock* Squee! .. *that also sounded better in my head.* Now for a question. If you got transported to SHH and could do whatever you want what would your reaction be and what would you do?
  17. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Ahhh.*nodnod* Well, same with me and THP. Execpt we're related, so that supposed to happen...
  18. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Hey guys, as much as I love a good fight... WHY DO YOU HATE EACH OTHER SO G-DARN MUCH?!
  19. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    OK guys... You stay here... *locks them both in the room* On that note, lookers whta I found...ers. A scrubs comic! they really exist!
  20. Thanks for All the Fish

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Someone has to...die? *Muahahaha..
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