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Search results

  1. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    The television set lands next to me, and then promptly smashes, causing the glass to cut me. I go to hospital to have it all removed and proceed to die of MRSA. I drop a plate of hospital food.
  2. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    Some random guy tuts at the dropped doughnut, and not paying any attention to his surroundings, turns and shoves me under a bus. I drop a pair of glasses.
  3. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    I ignore it and carry on, which unfortunately causes me to arrive at the end of the street just in time to be caught in a drive-by shooting. I drop a bag of shopping.
  4. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    I go to the moon to get away from the bomb, but I trip and crack my helmet open, causing me to asphyxiate. I drop a thesaurus.
  5. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    I pick up the paper, look at it, and seeing it's empty head to a nearby bin. On my way I get run down by a motorcyclist who came round a corner without slowing down. I drop a motorcycle helmet.
  6. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    I wash the dye from the ferret, and put it back where it belongs. I then walk outside and a bridge falls on my head. I drop a key.
  7. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    The bomb falls through a ripple in space-time and becomes live. It then detonates and annihilates me. I drop a cockroach.
  8. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    I catch Dead, and send her on her way. Unfortunately, her overprotective older brother Death comes along and kills me. I drop a watch.
  9. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    Someone picks up the twinkie, and eats it. They get ill, and thus miss a day of work, and as they work as a bus driver, the bus they would drive doesn't run. Because of this, the next bus is full, which means I can't get on it. As a result, I am still at the bus stop when a bomb goes off there...
  10. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    A hoard of people rush to get them and trample me to death. I drop a set of tongues.
  11. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    In dodging the vomit I fall of an inconveniently placed cliff and die. I drop the device that restrains a powerful monster.
  12. Time Psyduck

    Suicide Game! =D

    Bec Noir fell on one end of a see-saw, the other end of which was being held down by a beam, which was pushed up, disturbing a bowling ball on a shelf, which rolled to the other end and fell in a bucket on a string, which dropped to the floor. The other end was attached to the trigger of a gun...
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