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Search results

  1. Treechu

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors I'm sorry guys, this RP is just too ridiculous for me. :| I'm going to have to drop out.
  2. Treechu

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors Conga cocked his head at the psychic feline. "Why are you here?" he asked the Mew, "What business do you have with this war?"
  3. Treechu

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "Yes, but I'm also ps-" He was interrupted by the sudden punches. The Exeggutor jumped backwards as Terry took the punches. "Damn, this isn't good." Conga jerked his body back as a large seed produced in between his leaves. He slung forward, releasing the...
  4. Treechu

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors The palm tree stopped in his tracks when he heard the human's voice. I knew this trick was flawed. He thought to himself. Conga looked over their foes; A Sableye and a Bayleef. The odds seemed to be against him in this battle.
  5. Treechu

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors Conga trudged behind the others, an annoyed looked masked his face...err..faces. "Yes yes, I hear you." He muttered. Though he didn't seem to speed up any. This "disguise" was just a little too ridiculous for his tastes.
  6. Treechu

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors Oh what the heck, I haven't been in an RP for a while. o: Name: Viva la Conga, like to be called just 'Conga' for short. Age: 18 Color Suit: Brown Color Shield: Green Pokémon: Executor Color: Coconut Tree Brown Gender: Male
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