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Search results

  1. Valerunner

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    Some games like Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion rectify that by giving weight.
  2. Valerunner

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    Damage. It's like you're 5% hurt, it's a papercut. If you're 834% hurt, you're on life support. @ Murkrow: A Gen. III game mentioned that it's a folding bike.
  3. Valerunner

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    On the more hardcore games. Red Alert 3: Parachuting bears in armor dropping from zeppelins. What else is there to say?
  4. Valerunner

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    That was Hendrix. It's been around before Guitar Hero and frankly all the mainstream guitarists are too pussy to do it because of safety. Anyway, MGS. Lotions heal everything. Even AK-47 wounds. Hell, water heals everything. If only... As Danni mentioned, weapons. Take Yuffie in FFVII. Once...
  5. Valerunner

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    Oh, right. The cloning. Ignore the imprints, then. The amber fossils are like ice cubes with a fly in them. It's dead but the amber maintains the structure of the tissue, so if you extract it carefully you can get its DNA and clone it.
  6. Valerunner

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    Imprints? It happened with puke. Or amber, that's how bugs are fossilized.
  7. Valerunner

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    The PMD thing with Mewtwo and Porygon may be an uninhabited island save for the Pokemon because you yourself were human once. However: -Every JRPG. When an important character in your party dies in a dungeon, smash a bottle over their head after being crushed by a giant three-headed wolf with...
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