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Search results

  1. Valerunner

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    You can do it twice but with different Arcei; the Hall of Origin one and the Event one.
  2. Valerunner

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Just got given an Event Arceus, and I'm now training my little ball of death Radamantos (Giratina). It looks so cute floating behind me~
  3. Valerunner

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    If you think the E4 was easy wait for the rematch. Beat everyone in Kanto then challenge them again.
  4. Valerunner

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Just lost to Lance in the first round of the Elite Four. Now getting rid of Mirage (Dragonair) and switching to Cotton (Flaafy) Currently my team stands as: Hydra/Gyarados Autumn/Meganium Ho-oh (probably going to be nicknamed Apollo, with Lugia as Morpheus) Muscle/Machamp (traded from that guy...
  5. Valerunner

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Just started yesterday and I'm already in Goldenrod for my third badge. My team: Spearow (lv.17) Pidgeotto (lv.18) Bayleef (lv.19) Flaafy (lv.16) Slowpoke (lv.9) Still trying to bump everyone into lv. 20.
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