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Search results

  1. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Gardevoir and Aggron were the core of my Sapphire team and I've appreciated the two ever since. Actually, now that it's time for a new Pokémon, I present... Aggron! I always thought this Pokémon was great, but now it has gotten more attention recently due to its Mega Evolution. If you can...
  2. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Youngster Joey approves. Super Fang was always a pretty nifty move. It even hit ghost-types in Gen I
  3. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    And now, one of my favorite bugs... Venonat!
  4. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I don't know what you're talking about. Wobbuffet is still a a terrifying trapping threat. It may have lost some of its power in Gen V, but it's still a reliable kill with Counter/Mirror Coat
  5. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    True. I love this set so much.
  6. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Its design is one of my favorites from gen 5. It has pretty useful stats and a wonderful ability.
  7. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    This, and a 4x resistance to stealth rock.
  8. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Treecko is pretty neat. Grovyle is just... awesome. I've always liked this line since I first used it in Sapphire.
  9. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Sturdy Lv. 1 Aron is one of the most amusing things ever to emerge from the metagame. It's basically FEAR Rattata on steroids.
  10. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    It's fantastic ingame, but not a good idea to use competititvely.
  11. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Yes. Lilligant has 110 base Special Attack coupled with 90 base Speed, Petal Dance + Own Tempo. It's a threat.
  12. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Ah yes, Stormer the Pidgeot was my very first Lv. 100 Pokémon. There is indeed a soft spot in my heart for this majestic bird.
  13. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Meh. Mienfoo is just a generic overweight mustelid. It is kinda vehement though. Carracosta is pretty cool, though I've never used one :/
  14. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    ... what Dragonair is one of those Pokémon that is just so gorgeous I almost don't want to evolve it. Mienshao is all kinds of wonderful. It's adorable, and it can wreck an entire team.
  15. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Seviper: <333 <333 <333 Seviper is adorable asdfgfdasd Woobat: It's an interesting design. Kind of terrible stat-wise. Simple is its only saving grace.
  16. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Hmm... Gardevoir. Had one pretty much leading my Sapphire team when I first played it.
  17. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Wait, let me get the picture: Anyway, Tauros is a pretty cool guy. He sure was a powerhouse back in days of old, now he's NU, which is kind of sad. Tauros still has pretty decent attack and speed stats.
  18. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    This makes me think of all the times I'd yell out "HURR DURR IT'S A GURR DURR" while playing. And Seaking was the second pokemon I've ever raised to lvl. 100.
  19. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    inb4 male Gardevoir is mentioned Back on topic, I don't really like any of the elemental monkeys. I rather despise any Pokemon I am forced to use just to win a gym battle. That being said, my Simipour didn't get much action after the first gym.
  20. Vipera Magnifica

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I have equal love for both Zangoose and Seviper. My old username was Zangviper for a reason.
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