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Search results

  1. Vipera Magnifica

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    To watch how people reacted, and to keep the mafia from killing me. But also for the lulz.
  2. Vipera Magnifica

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Dying first is no fun :/ and that was right after I came up with my plan to trick everyone into thinking I was their lover.
  3. Vipera Magnifica

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showthread.php?t=15627 tl;dr: I won by forging a screenshot of my Role PM.
  4. Vipera Magnifica

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Abstain It doesn't seem like there are multiple innocent factions. Knowing MF, there may be a cult faction though. I, too, am on the blue team.
  5. Vipera Magnifica

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    This is a pretty weak conclusion. I don't think everyone has a recovery move, so obviously some people have to attack others. however..... If you were part of the innocent team, shouldn't you already know the answer to that?
  6. Vipera Magnifica

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I probably would have done something similar if I had remembered to send in my night action.
  7. Vipera Magnifica

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    gfdi I was not prepared for that.
  8. Vipera Magnifica

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Shit. Forgot to use an action. But I am at 0% damage though, so that's good. If this game is anything like Smash, it's unlikely someone would get KO'd on the first night. Who took the most damage?
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