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Search results

  1. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    Everybody who doesn't want me here, I will apologize and ask Butterfree waht SHE thinks of me!
  2. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    Because they're stuck-up BASTARDS! Plus, I never deserved it in the FIRST PLACE, fo rwhatever reason it was
  3. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    You're all ignorant. Ihave one follower, tha'ts not enough.
  4. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    Now I'm REALLY pissed off!
  5. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    Why am I not welcome here? Is it because of my political views?
  6. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    This was the first forum I EVER joined. Don't like it? TOO FUCKING BAD! Edit: Putin's an asshole!
  7. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    Don't betray me Comrade Leafpool!
  8. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    Tell the mods I NEVER DESERVED THE BAN! And I will keep coming back until it gets through their thick skulls.
  9. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    Wow! I have FOLLOWERS
  10. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    That you actually wanted me back! I belong here, and DON'T FORGET IT!
  11. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    NO WAY! I don't believe it!
  12. Vladimir Lenin's Tweets

    In Soviet Russia, Forum Joins You!

    Join me and we'll take over this board, OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE!
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