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Search results

  1. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Weirdly enough Obama isn't legalizing gay marriage everywhere (he's letting the states choose what they want to do), but he is making civil unions and adoption legal and he'll revoke Don't Ask Don't Tell and set down anti-discrimination laws at work. Yeah I'm talking like he already is the...
  2. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Who's Rolf Nator? Anyway, lolin' about McCain choosing Palin as a running mate after dissing Obama for not having any experience. Obvious pandering to the Hillary crowd and terrible message. 'Look guys! The party who'd revoke the abortion bill and ban contraception is the real feminist party!'...
  3. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Why is he inexperienced? Not because he's young, I hope, because that's bullshit. He's been a senator for a couple of years now and he's been lecturing at a university for even longer. He's very intelligent, has good ideas and went to a good university to be in law. And he can't be saying things...
  4. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Ron Paul is the worst candidate. I kind of want to see him win just to see how much he'll fuck up America.
  5. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    I too support people who are complete dicks, the other one's obviously worse since his fundamental message is change. Have you looked into his actual piolicies? All of them are 1000 times better than McCain's. He has his thing too: Obama's all 'Change!' and McCain's all 'I AM A WAR HERO I WAS IN...
  6. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    but i thought you liked wars make up your mind. and just admit you don't want to vote for the brown one with the muslim name :|
  7. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    No, Iraq was and will never be a 'success' since they didn't even ask for help in the first place and Bush noticed he was running low on petrol. Iraq has been a failure on every possible point of view and a huge, unnecessary cost, in lives and money. And you've been there for five years man come...
  8. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Pretty much nothing to add to what the Quicker said, even though there is a lot of poverty in countries considered First-World too, of course. Like the ring of 'citées' around Paris. Ahaha, I certainly don't know more than you about politics :)
  9. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Yeah looking back at my post it was p. retarded, sorry. But you have to admit people in Communist countries often have really hard lives, often have insufficient food and are generally pretty miserable.
  10. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Yeah man Communism totally works look at how awesome the Soviet unions wa Okay well. Look how cool China i Look at Cu Kore fuck
  11. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    ______________________________\/ No but seriously Communism has a good basic idea but it's seriously doomed to failure.
  12. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Okay I'm pretty retarded, explain why Obama would make a shitty president. I hope it's not because he lacks experience because that's bullshit.
  13. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    2008 American Presidential Election

    vs. Between the old rich white asshole and the awesome half-black guy, hmm well, He did have some moments though
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