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Search results

  1. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    According to the Bible atheists can't get into Heaven so I don't know how we'd have a decent chance :/ Well according to Jesus' disciples and we all know they were kind of crazy.
  2. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    But that's so unfair on the people who've never even heard of him. EDIT: does this mean that technically Jerry Fallwell is in heaven and the Dalai Lama will burn in hell forever :c
  3. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    Yeah I was going to ask about this energy field because I did get shitty grades in physics but er Yes? I mean, some things we have yet to discover, but doesn't it make more sense to believe in something you have proof exists? I don't care if you worship God, Allah or some guy from Twilight but...
  4. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    But God is evil in the Old Testament. There are countless times where he kills innocents or makes the Israelites kill innocents for no reason.
  5. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    I'll get onto that as soon as I get mod powers. Don't try to tell me what the Nazis believed in because I have a morbid interest in this matter and actually do research that isn't tuning into the Glenn Beck show. So God will forgive him even though he committed mass murder? That's what I'm...
  6. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    Well then women are even underneath animals because first God created Adam to take care of his garden, then Adam felt lonely so God created come animals but he was still lonely so God took Adam's rib and made women. So basically God's Plan was a dude and a tiger. Reminder that the church was...
  7. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    No sorry I'm pretty sure Hitler was Catholic. He talks about Jesus a couple times in Mein Kampf and one of the reasons for his hatred of Jews was that they killed him. And yeah Jesus was Jewish but you know. He's Hitler, he doesn't make much sense. Here's a picture of him shaking hands with a...
  8. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    Yeah except that you can replace the batteries in a robot and robots don't feel pain. By your logic I can go outside, get a cat and slice it into bits and get off scot-free.
  9. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    With that logic everyone goes to heaven because everyone's life is planned out in advance and it's not their fault they did anything. Which I don't oppose, but. Or you could go the 'only christians/catholics go to heaven lol' route which would suck because Hitler would be in heaven and all the...
  10. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    Yeah, what he said.
  11. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Life after Death?

    Yeah, just gonna be an echo here and say that when your brain dies, that's it, you're gone. I'd really like to believe in re-incarnation (heaven and hell just sound boring and unfair) but I can't quite manage to. It'd be pretty cool if at the moment of the death whatever you believed in happened...
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