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Search results

  1. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Lady Gaga

    I like some tracks in this album (Judas and Heavy Metal Lover) but I think the rest is sort of unremarkable. Not bad or anything, just nothing that I've really thought much of :( The only thing that really actively bothers me is how she's just making sounds instead of making an attempt at real...
  2. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Lady Gaga

    I honestly don't understand the appeal of Ke§ha because all she seems to do is publish auto-tuned vapid songs while looking like she rolled in glitter after not showering for several weeks.
  3. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Lady Gaga

    you are not alone Also I like Lilly Allen more than Katy Perry is this wrong And in general pop talk my favourite band is Pet Shop Boys, so er.
  4. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Lady Gaga

    She's alright.
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