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Search results

  1. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    burmy aron remoraid (yeah it's grey!) ?
  2. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] Ok this is getting annoying... really really annoying. Are you claiming alien then?
  3. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] Really this whole Ditto thing just was forced on LS99 when MF said one of them could be ditto, and Kam just took off on LS99 being ditto
  4. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] I forgot what a jester is... elaborate?
  5. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] I didn't say there wasn't a Ditto, I said LS99 wasn't the! ditto ((how can we be so sure there is a ditto?))
  6. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] I hath discovered that Our Ditto was never a Ditto to begin with.
  7. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] I can't do anything involving specific people because I can't reveal roles and/or alignment. Also, it would be really nice to have a bodyguard tonite, so KR-9, would you be so kind?
  8. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] I'm not actually Darmanitan I'm darmanitan-zen ((which isn't red)) And my role is Oracle. I've found out there are less than 4 mafia, and the lack of kills is due to their inactivity.
  9. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] Have you ever heard of the role Mafia Ursurper? Only wins if they off the don? And Mafia members have been known to lynch one of they're own to gain trust. And I can tell you my role if you want, I'm not a mafia. But revealing my role will get me killed.
  10. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] I think Sizz Lor is colour Blind. I also have 2 theories that could explain why Kam is being all wierd: 1. He's lost his damn mind ((sorry bro)) or 2. He's mafia and he's just lynch-trigger happy in everyone. But why lynch just because they didn't Roleclaim...
  11. Wargle

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D1] I got Darmanitan! With an interesting role that I hate being because I feel someone else could do better and that I'm doing the wrong actions.
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