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Search results

  1. Wargle

    pathos vs. Wargle

    Thanks, you too! still mad at ps for ruining my ebil plan
  2. Wargle

    pathos vs. Wargle

    Hmm, interesting. Well then, let's try to get back ahead. chill first action, then destroy it's brain. If you can't attack chill, if you can't chill attack Chill/Psychic x3
  3. Wargle

    pathos vs. Wargle

    Hmm. Telekinesis, confuse ray, Endeavor. Telekinesis ~ Confuse Ray ~ Endeavor
  4. Wargle

    pathos vs. Wargle

    Welp that sucked. Thanks Showdown for being a shit. Let's try this again. Telekinesis and make it work this time. Then use pain split, then Future sight. If you can't use telekinesis, use Psychic. If oyu can't use either then Chill. If you can't Pain Split use Psyshock. Chill if you can't do...
  5. Wargle

    pathos vs. Wargle

    Pretty redundant but you didn't mention it, so you factored life orb into that yes? Hmm, now that "not commanded to attack" can certainly have a few interpretations. Status moves could be classified either way really. Attack could mean a damaging move, or a move at all. Telekinesis so she...
  6. Wargle

    pathos vs. Wargle

    Hmm, then I shall go with Zona then. Lead with a Charm, we don't want him getting too much damage out. Then go with a good old Psychic. then set up a Future Sight. If you can't use any of these attacks for some reason, use Calm Mind. Charm/ Calm Mind ~ Psychic/Calm Mind ~ Future Sight/Calm...
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