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Search results

  1. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Cata catch. Aw thanks. I know Hippopotas was male and Grumpig was female, but what about Sandshrew?
  2. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    No. And I had a sandshrew, Grumpig, and a Hippopotas male.
  3. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Grrs. I hads raries too. Hate you lol. Going to the Desert with my Metagross. ((yeah, metag evolved. He no longers has the seat attached to him. Now he has a 2-man train car on his head. [me and some female who loves Metagross])) And are we getting our money back> or did we just donate it to you?
  4. Wargle

    The Crossroads

  5. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Catch grumpig, go on.
  6. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Male Sandshrew must have. ((I also have a seat on Metang now.))
  7. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Dang it I had a nice collection too! Going to the... uhm... desert. And if I need a Pokémon... um... I'll take my... I guess... my Metang. ((I'll ride on the top of his head too. I installed a seat belt.))
  8. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Reunite the Snorunts!
  9. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Leave her.
  10. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Pass it.
  11. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Catch and keep going.
  12. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    Catch. And keep going.
  13. Wargle

    The Crossroads

    I'll take the frozrn Wasteland. My Magcargo should suffice. (Link in sig) And if I need 2, I have a Slugma too.
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