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Search results

  1. Wargle

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    It's great, but I said I wanted whitish electricity and the Shiny's would be yellow. So can I get that pic you made, make the shaft flat a the end, and change the electricity to the color of the eyes.
  2. Wargle

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Ok, sorry fro trying to over work you.
  3. Wargle

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Do you draw these with color? If so, could I get the pic I requested above, and beside it, the same Pokémon, but the eyes are Bright Green, the electric rings are yellow, and the rod is tanish? This is the shiny form.
  4. Wargle

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Yes. An uncreative Steel/Electric thing for ASB.That might have a few moves different than Magnemite line. Or not.
  5. Wargle

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Could you draw me a lightning rod-type thing for ASB? Like, you know the yellow anntena on Magnezone's head? A Bigger gray one of those with the top being big and having to cerulean eyes. And could I have 3 whiteish-cream rings of electricity around the pole? Sorry if my description is confusing.
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