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  1. White Wolf


    I'll send you the link for Diamond but I don't see much point as many people have said (including me), you can't properly hack DS Pokemon games yet.
  2. White Wolf


    I'm sending the link now and I don't know what happens with Shiny Gold roms as I've never used them.
  3. White Wolf


    Yeah sure, it's uploading now and I'll pm the link when I'm done.
  4. White Wolf


    It's in GBA Rom format and it's not a deal, it's an offer.
  5. White Wolf


    Yeah, I have all the advanced Roms, I'll upload it to Megaupload and send you the link.
  6. White Wolf


    Great, pm me if you need any help.
  7. White Wolf


    I use VisualBoy Advanced, it's the best one out at the moment.
  8. White Wolf


    I totally agree, when I started hacking I tested out all the roms to find the best and ended up with FR & LG. Also I'm working on inserting all the new Sinnoh tiles made by Kyledove at the Serebii forums into a LG rom and when I've finished I'll post it if you want it. They'll be in colour but...
  9. White Wolf


    EeveeSkitty, as I said earlier, you can't properly hack DPP yet, people haven't been able to find out how yet, but they are working on it. The only thing you can properly hack is the stats of the pokemon (not sprites) and I think you can change what pokemon trainers have. I would advise hacking...
  10. White Wolf


    Hey, Terry, if you're hacking Red or Blue then you'll probably be only able to have about 150 pokemon in it.
  11. White Wolf


    What do you mean Winrar fails?
  12. White Wolf


    Hey, Terry, in hacking FR, you can only overwrite the pokemon from FR national dex and also add about 15-20 new pokemon and so you can only have about 400 pokemon in the game at one time, that's why for my game, I had to choose 400 pokemon otherwise I'd be having all the pokemon up to sinnoh...
  13. White Wolf


    Cool, original idea. Are you going to do this with all the sprites, trainers, overworld and pokemon. Also if your making black and white sprites, are you going to change the maps and the world otherwise it'll look a little weird if everything's colour but then all the sprites are black and white.
  14. White Wolf


    Weird. Terry may I ask why you're making a game with black and white sprites?
  15. White Wolf


    Sure, It'll be ready in about ten mins. Also if you're using DP sprites for your FR LG hack they will need to be resized from 80x80 to 64x64.
  16. White Wolf


    Sure, I'll upload them to Megaupload but first I need to sort them cause they're all mixed up in a file with all the stuff for my new game. When they're uploaded I'll post a link here. Also, if you find EliteMap (which is a program for editing maps) anywhere to download, I would advise you not...
  17. White Wolf


    Yeah, I would strongly advise not hacking Emerald as it is extremely unstable and mostly any hacking makes the game crash alot. Also if you want some tools to hack, I have about every one as I went all over the net looking for them. I'll upload them somewhere and send you a link if you want.
  18. White Wolf


    Terry, I have quite abit of experience with hacking and I'm pretty sure you can't change the pokemon in DP because no-one knows how yet, that's why I'm making a hack of FR & LG and not DP.
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