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Search results

  1. Yarnchu

    Nintendo DSi?

    I know. That ticks me off. I guess I can still get the other thing I wanted... BTW, though this is off topic, would somebody in the Smash Bros. club post? I need to know who added me and stuff.
  2. Yarnchu

    Nintendo DSi?

    ^Thats why we import things. Very convient.
  3. Yarnchu

    Nintendo DSi?

    Uh...the DSi is a third system according to the articles I have read, which means that it will be promoted alongside the DS lite. In other words, the DS lite will be staying for a while, and the DSi was made to print more money. And someone said they had a lime green DS? I'd definatly buy that...
  4. Yarnchu

    Nintendo DSi?

    Ah, I see. I can understand the lack of Wi-fi, and I personally don't give a crap about the camera either. Though, if someone doesn't have Wi-fi, then they should get it now. I wouldn't be able to enjoy my Nintendo Wii without it.
  5. Yarnchu

    Nintendo DSi?

    ^I thought it had a DS store. Did I mis-understand something?
  6. Yarnchu

    Nintendo DSi?

    What's with all of the negatives? It's not like you actually have to sell your old DS to get the new one, is it? I plan on importing this thing myself, for a number of reasons: 1) An online store like the Wii. If they sell GB games, I could get Kirby's Dreamland 2. (I have it, but I threw it on...
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