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Search results

  1. Zapi


    It got freaking Wormy who was in one damn episode of Spongebob. ...This thing is starting to frighten me
  2. Zapi


    Some of the question he asks are so random. Like, once he asked "Is your character a film score producer?" (or something like that) when I just told him my character is from a video game. Also, one of the questions on there is, "Does your character destroy cupcakes?"...wtf? And, I find it...
  3. Zapi


    Adding onto this, he also does not know the pokémon Cryogonal, or Samickle from Okami.
  4. Zapi


    Apparently, Akinator does not know legos very well. My brother always stumps him with random lego characters. Anyway, here is a list of what I or my brother have stumped him with so far: -Zack the LEGO Maniac -France from Hetalia -Professor Voltage from the Legoland computer game -Papa...
  5. Zapi


    ...From the Zelda creepypasta? If not just ignore this And it got fricking Pepper from LEGO Island...wow :O
  6. Zapi


    Haha, this thing is creepy. My brother completely stumped him with Zack the LEGO Maniac, and I somehow managed to stump him with France from Hetalia (it knew he was from Hetalia, it just couldn't think of France for some reason).
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