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Search results

  1. Zee Captain

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] WHAT KIND OF DRUGS DO YOU TAAAAAKE!!!!!! ____ Anyway I agree with VM. Silver it is!
  2. Zee Captain

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] Sorry for the absence... Band camp. Anyway yes, in response to questions a few pages earlier, I am bulletproof, but other than that I'm just vanilla. How exciting.
  3. Zee Captain

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] I already role claimed earlier, Itd be kind of pointless to inspect me. Besides, the day I confessed I happened to have the lie detector on me, I didn't mention it in case the mafia wanted to make them a target. If anyone had questioned me I would have revealed it...
  4. Zee Captain

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] Two nights with no deaths? Huh. How do we know you and buzzy aren't mafia? It'd be possible for the plan that happened last night to be set up if you were mafia and chose to abstain. It'd be unproductive for the mafia, yes, but it would make sense also if you were...
  5. Zee Captain

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1] Roleclaim time! I'm Lionblaze, which makes me innocent but bulletproof, which leads me to believe that there are possibly others have some sort of protection. That would mean the mafia didn't withhold their night action, but it was nullified. Seems more likely than...
  6. Zee Captain

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1] I agree with vehement, if we somehow happened to lynch the don it would only help us for one turn, really. Abstain
  7. Zee Captain

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1] I think it's possible that an alien was activated or the target was bulletproof rather than just having a really lucky healer. With a 1/16 chance, it's too early to really say anything is certain. If anything ever is in Mafia.
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