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  1. Zeph

    HP7 Part I

    I just remembered another! Did anybody else love ?
  2. Zeph

    HP7 Part I

    While I agree here, I couldn't help but think Oh yes, that also! I must make agreeing with Arylett about Luna's line at the wedding. Captured her personality quite brilliantly.
  3. Zeph

    HP7 Part I

    Have to agree - in the book she kind of died pathetically in her cage - in fact it even says "[She] lay motionless and pathetic as a toy"; on the other hand in the film she which just seems... more right. Oh, another thing I liked was how Hagrid said that thing about he and Harry arriving at...
  4. Zeph

    HP7 Part I

    Oh yeah, it was definitely pretty good by the films' standards. I generally really enjoyed it; in fact pretty much the only thing that really irked me was that Also, I thought that the Also also, this isn't exactly relevant, but I will be so angry if is not included in the second part. And...
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