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Search results

  1. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Nathan let Turto, who was fast asleep anyway, out onto the blanket, then turned to Hannah. "You can have the sandwich," he said, handing it to her. "I'm not that hungry." He took one of the blankets and sat in the corner of the armrest and backrest...
  2. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Nathan walked into the centre just in time to see the Nurse pointing at a nearby sofa and then going into another room. "Good service. I guess." Nathan said. "Oh, by the way, does anyone have any food? If not, I could go and buy some from the Pokémart...
  3. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures ((I know. Sorry, I meant ground, not floor.))
  4. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures "Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." Nathan let out Turto in the usual shower of sparkles, but the Squirtle materialised on the ground - fast asleep. "Looks like some people need the rest," he smiled, withdrawing Turto again.
  5. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Turto, meanwhile, was having a hard time getting the 'Rattata' off of Nathan. he opened his motuh and a few bubbles floated out, which the Squirtle blew towards the Rattata. Thebubble sgrew larger and merged into one, trapping the mouse Pokémon inside...
  6. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures ((I'm back.)) "Wow, this route is quite long, isn't it?" Nathan asked no-one in particular. Suddenly, a violently purple rat Pounced out of a patch of grass, straight at Nathan's face. The boy yelled, and Turto jumped up, beating the rat Pokémon with...
  7. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures ((I'm back.)) "Wow, this route is quite long, isn't it?" Nathan asked no-one in particular. Suddenly, a violently purple rat Pounced out of a patch of grass, straight at Nathan's face. The boy yelled, and Turto jumped up, beating the rat Pokémon with...
  8. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures ((I'm gonna be gone until Wednesday, so I won't be able to post for a few days. Sorry!))
  9. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures "...Will be me!" Nathan finished Hannah's sentence and ran off towards Route 1. He began to jog up towards Viridian City, trying to avoid patches of tall, rustling grass.
  10. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures "Yeah. Like I said," Nathan muttered."So, erm, are we going or are we going to stand around in the middle of Pallet Town all day?" He flicked open his Pokégear again and checked the time. Then he pressed the Radio button and inserted a small earphone...
  11. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures "...Together?" Nathan asked quietly. And he'd been expecting to travel alone! "Alright then! Let's head up to Pewter City for the first gym!" He stretched out the last word in a dramatic way that would probably embarrass any normal person nearby.
  12. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Nathan picked up the Pokédex Oak handed him. He flipped it open and scrolled down to Squirtle. he read the information, and noticed a small button below the large blue one. It had a picture of a musical note on it. He pressed it once, and, to his...
  13. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures "Looks like all the Pokémon are gone," Nathan said. "Well, I guess I'll get going now..." Suddenly it hit him how lonely he'd be, travelling the region with no other human companions. He thought for a moment, then picked up Turto's shell, trying to...
  14. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Turto let go in shock and flew across the room. He quickly withdrew into his shell before hitting the wall with a strange noise that sounded like a ping-pong ball being hit, and bounced off, skidding along the floor and spinning the a halt at Nathan's...
  15. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures "Aaaah. Dante. That's it." He felt quite stupid. "Yep, I know your dad. Well, my dad knows your dad, but I know most of the people he knows anyway, so..." he trailed off, starting to confuse himself. Turto, meanwhile, was nibbling at Hannah's black...
  16. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures "Ah, sorry. Tiny memory span," Nathan laughed. Then he noticed another boy had entered. "Wait... I know you!" he said, recognising the face almost instantly. "You're... Danny? No... Darren? That's not right either..."
  17. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Nathan smiled as he watched the two Pokémon playing. "Yeah, they do. And my name's Nathaniel. Nathan or Nath for short." He looked up at the girl. "What's yours?" he asked.
  18. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures "Yep," Nathan replied. "I guess your Bulbasaur's from the Professor too?" He noticed the froglike Pokémon was still trying to escape from her new trainer. Chuckling, he let Turto jump to the ground. "See if you can catch that Bulbasaur!" he said to...
  19. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures ((It's fine, no worries. I wasn't actually angry. So now we wait for Kai to post?))
  20. Zeph

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures (( D:< Squirtle is SHINY! He's light blue with a green shell! My post, right?)) There was a ringing sound, and the watch-like machine strapped around the boy's wrist began to vibrate. He woke up almost immediately and pressed a button on the side of...
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