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Search results

  1. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Okay, well, not much to do here. Start off with a Taunt. End it with two Energy Balls. If Silkwing Protects or you are otherwise unable to hit her, Calm Mind. If you are Taunted (on the first action) or Silkwing flies up (any other action) use Extrasensory to smash her to the ground...
  2. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Cool story bro. Rasvata, first off, Safeguard. Don't want you fall asleep. Then, use Faint Attack to appear directly above Silkwing, and try to ground her, preferably pinning her to the ground. Finally, hit her close-ranged with a Solarbeam, or an Energy Ball if she isn't pinned or in the air...
  3. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    What. Since when could she fly??
  4. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Go go complicated commands! Dig all the way! If you are unable to hit her with Dig, (besides a Sub, of course) then Howl. If the above applies and you are Taunted, then Flame Charge around a bit. Dig/Howl/Flame Charge x3
  5. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Okay Rasvata, time to do some damage this round. First, Howl to prepare yourself for the rest of the round. On your next two actions, use Dig to hit Silkwing's weak point for massive damage. Don't stay under for long, just long enough for your opponent to feel the full effects of your attacks...
  6. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    He has a post in the Absence Sheet.
  7. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    I would have thought that Silkwing would have Light Screened? There was fire, but whatever.
  8. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    0_0 They could materialise an orb of pure fire energy which shoots the flames? Other moves do it similarly, like Ice Beam (And I believe I've seen Water Gun work in a similar way) Or they could just fire it from their tail or something Or fiery farts...
  9. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Who says that a Flamethrower /has/ to come from the mouth?
  10. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    K *Evil grin* Go, Rasvata! First, up your mental strength with Nasty Plot. Then, blast out two Flamethrowers. If Silkwing were to Protect when you're attacking, use Calm Mind. If she creates Double Clones, sweep your Flamethrower around. Nasty Plot~Flamethrower/Calm Mind~Flamethrower/Calm Mind
  11. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    I said that if Silkwing was on Zephyr's back, to spit the Toxic on the ground and have him rub the Toxic onto the opponent :\ And am I stuck with the Pokemon I had at the beginning of the battle, or can I use anyone in my Active Squad?
  12. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    He wasn't going to last long, so I'd rather save him a lot of pain and dish out a fuckton at the same time. Also I added an extra line at the end there.
  13. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Start off with Taunt- especially badger him about being so much of a sissy that he had to cling to his opponent's back to avoid getting hurt. Next, Toxic the little thing. If it's still on you, spit the blob on the ground and try to rub it on Silkwing. It doesn't matter if you get poisoned in...
  14. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Shouldn't he send out and attack, and I attack last?
  15. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Yeah, pretty much just Ice Beam all the way. If they are Protecting or otherwise unable to be hit by you, just chill. If Double Clones are made, sweep the Ice Beam around, if a Sub is made, attack. Ice Beam/Chill x3
  16. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Take advantage of your heightened Speed and Taunt. Then, wait for Wiggles to strike you and Avalance. Repeat on the last action. If the enemy's attack fails to hit you, for some reason, set up a Light Screen. If you already have a Light Screen up, Chill. Taunt~Avalanche/Light...
  17. Zero Moment

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    You're getting tired. Stop hovering and Chill for two actions. For the last action, use Autotomize. If you are Taunted on the last two actions, use Mirror Shot and Ice Shard. Chill~Chill/Mirror Shot~Autotomize/Ice Shard
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