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Search results

  1. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Cool, would've been Vriska next Night. Glad to know that I would've fucked shit up.
  2. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    No no I mean What were all the roles I didn't choose?
  3. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    ....Wait, so what were all my roles?
  4. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage I will not stand for such an unruly band of unabashed h001igans and their ilk. They will stop their f001ishness. They will stop when I end their lowly lives, starting with Flareth.
  5. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage i supp0se i shall als0 abstain, unless any0ne has any inf0rmati0n
  6. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage yes, in fact, i am the 0racle, alth0ugh i was 0nly able t0 use my ability 0nce with mustelid's death, i 0riginally asked h0w many mafia-aligned players were left, th0ugh i was reminded that i was 0nly all0wed to ask yes/n0 questi0ns, and i decided t0...
  7. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage well, i supp0se it's time t0 be useful f0r every0ne there is a living alien g00d night, see y0u in the m0rning
  8. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage abstain :((
  9. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage yiran goin for the policy lynch nevver trust a miller
  10. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage pretty shore out a thread communications arent allowwed an im not evven goin to comment on the rest of your post
  11. Zero Moment

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage shell yes im not dead n0 for once
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