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Search results

  1. Zora of Termina

    Obsessive Scribblings: Some Sort of Comic-Thing

    I love this fight sequence. SO MUCH. And just so you know, even if he does shoot me, my catching the scent of my own blood is just gonna make it worse for him. :D
  2. Zora of Termina

    Obsessive Scribblings: Some Sort of Comic-Thing

    Why... IT'S MEEE! And I'm not wearing pants! You forgot the glasses but THAT'S OKAY maybe they fell off.
  3. Zora of Termina

    Obsessive Scribblings: Some Sort of Comic-Thing

    ...Is it bad that me and Dwagie were planning ANOTHER drunk battle right before I saw the update? xD *SPARKLE SPARKLE*
  4. Zora of Termina

    Obsessive Scribblings: Some Sort of Comic-Thing

    Drunk berserk!me? Oh... oh dear. This should be terribly entertaining. And scary. also drunk!Zora x Drunk!Dwagie OTP
  5. Zora of Termina

    Obsessive Scribblings: Some Sort of Comic-Thing

    I already kick ass. :D
  6. Zora of Termina

    Obsessive Scribblings: Some Sort of Comic-Thing

    You know what this comic needs? IT NEEDS MORE ME. :D But seriously this is fantastic.
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