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  1. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ *Ker PATTY!* I lost xDDD EDIT: And JT's post. Again. I have a weakness for political humor. >>
  2. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I lost on... just about the entirety of JT's post. >> Before that it was the kronk one. Man, I haven't started losing again till recently. >>
  3. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Ninth. OOH. AFRODUCK. I think I still have that on here. Let me check... :D?
  4. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    CHRIST DIED FOR OUR DUNKIN DONUTS SRSLY Also: Don't know if this is funny to y'all, but I need to go searching for ammunition so it'll do for now. Just took it, too. ;]
  5. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    *headdesk* Really, Sir Lucario. Nobody cares. I'm not trying to be a minimod or anything, but I am sick of you being so goddamn hypersensitive about religion and whatnot. In goddamn nearly every thread where gays/religion is mentioned even once. It's like you're trolling for it. Kindly shut...
  6. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    That picture of Cuntface Palin is going to be burned into my brain for weeks. I'ma go gouge my eyes out now ><
  7. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I lost again. ...But how did you pull that one off ಠ_ಠ
  8. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose ...It's probably better that way. But if you really want to know, google it.
  9. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose ...I lost again. xDDDDDDDD Dear God Nick would love this. *saves*
  10. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Nearly jumped out of my chair at Lita's up there. Christ I was NOT expecting the sound. ><
  11. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose xD Lost again on Gaston, simply because it's Gaston and the very mention makes me snicker. It's an inside joke. >> Also Dannichu you need to bring back the IotN just so you know. I loved them things. >>
  12. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I just lost the game. Whether this is the first time I don't remember. But still. xD
  13. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Lost on the Bel-Air one. Then I made Hysterical lose on it. x3
  14. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose MOAR STUFF: Why yes I DO save almost every single funny image I see on the internet. xP
  15. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I try. ^^ FIRST. Something new: Moar images from the old thread: ((this one wasn't in the last one but shhhhhh)) Aaaaaand my personal favorite IotN (credit to Dannichu for finding it in the first place)):
  16. Zora of Termina

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose And now for a bunch of stuff in the last thread: And one of my personal favorites: Rudy Giuliani, governor of New York, in drag. No I don't know WTF.
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