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  1. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    nsfw due to excessive profanity and suggestive lyrics this is entertaining too oh man this is great
  2. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

  3. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    ... I love Sonic the Hedgehog and I have been playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 obsessively lately but not even I can deny that he can be fucking goofy looking.
  4. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    none of this is funny
  5. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

  6. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    man you must feel so badass right now
  7. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    oh I apologize, your posts kind of blended together due to the huge amount of motivationals and stuff sorry ^^;
  8. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Dannichu: and yet running over babies is funny okay that makes sense
  9. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Yuh, I've had that one saved on my computer for a while.
  10. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Being a fan should be irrelevant. I want to know why it's funny.
  11. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I feel it is my duty to let people know when they link to stuff that is devoid of humor. This is one example. Any happiness I had leftover from the day actually disappeared. You think I'm joking but I am being totally serious.
  12. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    yeah let's ostracize someone who's just trying to make you laugh ?_?
  13. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    thanks for depressing me so early in the morning
  14. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    You followin' me, camera guy? My freaking head's off! :[ *is going to get shot up like a bitch but must post this anyway*
  15. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    It's a Helsing edit, iirc.
  16. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    My bad, opal. I apologize. Continue with the funny, guys.
  17. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    How the fuck is advocating Prop 8 not discrimination?
  18. Z

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I don't take kindly to you discriminating against homosexuals and being an ignorant bigot, either. I don't think you really have the right to show absolutely zero respect to humans that are attracted to other humans of the same gender, and yet demand respect when someone pokes fun at the super...
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