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Search results

  1. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kammington vs Ameroq01 :: Round Thirteen :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can...
  2. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Character of the Day vs Ameroq01 :: Round Twelve :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool...
  3. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Eleven :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack...
  4. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Ten :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this...
  5. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Nine :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this...
  6. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Eight :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this Magikarp, who...
  7. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Seven :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this Magikarp, who...
  8. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    You both have to agree for a draw, anyway. Kam can end it himself by forfeiting, if so desired.
  9. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    "She"? >:| I had several projects due this week, but I should be able to ref this weekend though you'll be last, you gender-pronouning poopface. Still want to end the battle now?
  10. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Six :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this Magikarp, who...
  11. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Five :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this Magikarp, who...
  12. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Four :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this Magikarp, who...
  13. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Three :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this Magikarp, who...
  14. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round Two :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this Magikarp, who...
  15. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    .: Kam vs Ameroq01 :: Round One :. 2 v. 2 Single Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Field With A Magikarp. Welcome to F.W.A.M.! It's a basic arena, with a little pond in the middle. There's a Magikarp flopping about in this pool. You can attack this Magikarp, who...
  16. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    I don't think there's any wrong way to send out a pokemon, unless you manage to not specify the pokemon you intend to use. (If you don't want to remove the dashes from your signature, can you uncheck the "Show your signature" box whenever you post in this battle? It stretches my screen, which...
  17. allitersonance

    Kam vs Ameroq01

    Kam's active squad [Kappa] Mudkip (M) Torrent Signature Attribute: Natural Leader Kappa is well known for his charisma, kindness, and never say die attitude. Due to this, Kappa is well liked by his fellow mons, and is a natural born leader. He's sort of like the Barack Obama of the Pokemon...
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