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Search results

  1. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Arceus scratch for Green's birthday. I think it's my best work so far. :) But like always, critique is loved.
  2. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Been a while since I've done a pixel-over. This one is of the Delta species Ninetales. I'm sure there are many wonky spots as my skills have rusted since last time. :|
  3. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I tend to dither a lot. :v It just looks weird without it - to me, at least. It probably originates from using smooth, blendable media a lot before I got into pixel art. I thought the dark shade on the neck looked weird, but the super-shading lover in me wouldn't shut up about how it looked too...
  4. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Ah, pixel-overs. I missed you. Sprite-sized version of a Meganium. I have mixed feelings about it. The head and feet seem to be about the right size (I've always imagined Meganium more like a giraffe, with smaller feet and heads than depicted in the official sprites), but it was difficult to...
  5. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Erm, I appreciate your critique and all, but is it too much to ask for criticism on stuff other than my dithering? :v I don't know, this is probably a pet peeve since I consider dithering part of my style, but when I get "there's too much dithering" whenever I post another pixel-over, it kind of...
  6. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    No, I haven't fixed the other pixel-overs, unfortunately. I spent all today procrastinating and doing a pixel-over of this image, as per Fish and Ships' request. Result: Yeah there's a lot of dithering whatever. I have mixed feelings about this - it was the hardest pixel-over I've had to do...
  7. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Haha, maybe I should tone down on the dithering? I'm unused to shading that's not smooth, so it's a matter of preference to me, I guess. Though if it bothers people so much I guess I should stop doing it so much :P The original art I used for Lugia had close to zero shading, so I had to...
  8. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    The tail was this length in the original art, but yes, now that you mention it, it is too short. It's also probably because of the wonky outlines in the middle of the tail. I'll fix that sometime. And it's probably the right wing finger-feather-thingies that are bothering you, since one of the...
  9. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I seem to be cranking out pixel-overs at a fast pace. I had trouble with the head on this one, and I had to take shading into my own hands, since the shading on the original art was a bit lacklustre.
  10. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I love that trainer edit :D However, I think you should make the ends of your hair a bit messier in the full-body sprites, like you did in the portrait - if that's possible, I mean. It's hard to work on small things, after all. :P As for Cookicat, the head looks fine. I think it's just that the...
  11. blazheirio889

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I've finally gotten back to spriting after what? Five years, perhaps? Not like I really did much spriting before, but eh, details. I'm not asking for any hard-core crit, just want to gauge how well I'm doing. Pixel-over of a Misdreavus.
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