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Search results

  1. blazheirio889

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    Oh, I was using the MC, and he had the ice-elemental fists equipped. Unfortunately I had no resistance to ice. I experimented a bit with Moonless Gown, though, and it reflects everything, including Almighty (that made me sad). It also deals a flat 500 damage. But it was still mighty startling.
  2. blazheirio889

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    So I'm fighting Persona 3's final boss when he/she/it (I'm not even sure) activates a skill that makes it reflect everything you throw at it. I'm not sure if it was because I was too overleveled or if it's an instant kill, but either way my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to attack...
  3. blazheirio889

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    Was playing SSBB today with my friends, and we were going on a snapshot-taking frenzy. We were on the Zelda: Wind Waker stage, the only other person still alive was stalling, and we were both at 100% damage or so. He decided to take some random screenshots - and in between two of them, I...
  4. blazheirio889

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    I was playing Mystery Dungeon with my uberly high-leveled Ivysaur. I was facing this Tentacruel, and because I more or less ran straight into it, letting it have the first attack, and I was weakened from previous battles, it managed to knock me into the red zone. So I thought, "Eh, doesn't...
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