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Search results

  1. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    $10! Because for some reason I must waste as much money as I can, yes.
  2. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    Bwahahaha the RNG never ceases to annoy people, eh? STICK THEM IN.
  3. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    WAT. RNG gods never listen do they ;~; But hey, it's still good. I'll take it and go again. Also hey FMC weren't these supposed to be rare? xD;
  4. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    Naw, no thanks. I'll keep going - and RNG gods will it kill you to give me some Pokemon? :I
  5. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    Fire Stone, Fire Stone... no, I don't believe I need it. Keep going.
  6. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    ...Okay just because it's a gear I'll take it and go again. Argh I need to stop splurging :I
  7. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    Hm'kay. Then another $3 for you.
  8. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    Uh, wait. If I take it, then do I have to exit and pay another $3? I'm a bit confused about how the items work. I'll take it regardless, though.
  9. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    :DDD Female Cyndaquil yes! I'll catch her, and go again~ *forks over $3*
  10. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    ...Lucky as I am, I'm not fond of Magmortar at all. ._. Sorry, but I'll have to pass this up. Keep going.
  11. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    I think I'll go to the Boiling Pits with my Arcanine, Lanzalla. That's... $3, am I right?
  12. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    Ah, now this is more like it. Let's take that Growlithe~
  13. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    I'll keep going. :<
  14. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    I'll keep going.
  15. blazheirio889

    Steam Canyon

    $3, and I'll go for a stroll around the Steam Vents.
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