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  1. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. Some people can live with animals, some get mauled by a bear. I wonder what would happen to me.
  2. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. No, humanity is not inherently good, but it has the ability to be good. I'm going to stop arguing because no matter what, we are not going to agree. This is just a waste of time.
  3. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. Why do you assume they haven't? People get most of their meat from farms, where the animals were bred and not killed in the wild. More wild animals are being killed by pollution/global warming, and people are working on alternative energy sources to cut back on that.
  4. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. No, it doesn't. Choosing to makes people superior. We haven't yet, but I bet we will within 50 years.
  5. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. You have a point there, but I think that people will get more humane as time goes on. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  6. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. The entire species doesn't help every living thing, but humans have the mental capacity to help other things.
  7. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. So whales are hunted just as much as before? Personally, I doubt it. Yes, everyone agrees that hunting for sport is wrong. I was talking about food, oil (what do you think we used before we found it in the ground?) or other necessities.
  8. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. People will stop hunting something that's been dying out, but nothing else will. We aren't evil for killing things, we just have the ability to kill more than other creatures.
  9. camerupt


    Re: Hunting. I live in small a town with forests where the deer are hunted because of overpopulation, and that seems okay. Here's a question: A pack of wolves is chasing some rabbits. The rabbits are the last group of rabbits on earth. What do the wolves do? Replace wolves with people and...
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