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Search results

  1. fresh fruit for Adol

    Make a complete Brawl character

    'bout time I do a new one. Character: Pascal Game: Tales of Graces Special moves: Neutral Special: Blood Flamme. Pascal draws a circle around herself, and quickly casts a spell that summons the spirit "Flamme", who punches three times, covered in flames. Forward Special: Wind Needle...
  2. fresh fruit for Adol

    Make a complete Brawl character

    Character: Shing Meteoryte Game: Tales of Hearts Special moves: Neutral Special: Sou Kou Ga/Claw Roar Fang. A simple punch, and stabbing combo. Forward Special: Sei Ei Reppa/Star Shadow Connect Wave. Shing swings his sword three times, each swingprojecting a crescent wave of light. Upward...
  3. fresh fruit for Adol

    Make a complete Brawl character

    Aha. I win xD Character: Luke fone Fabre (Short-haired) Game: Tales of the Abyss Special moves: Neutral Special: Majinken/Demon Fist. Luke swipes his right hand across the ground, shooting a projectile. Forward Special: Reppashou/Raging Blast. Luke punches forward with his right hand...
  4. fresh fruit for Adol

    Make a complete Brawl character

    Haha... I've done something like this in the Gamefaqs boards for ToS2... I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna take a couple of liberties with the form, and use a few things I used in the the Gamefaqs thread. Character: Stan/Stahn Aileron Game: Tales of Destiny, Tales of the World: Narikiri...
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