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  1. goldenquagsire


    but is it really fair to call us bastards for doing this? unlimited expansion is what life is supposed to do. of course, given that we're capable of recognising the threat that we pose to the environment and have the means to reduce this impact, we should probably act more responsibly but that's...
  2. goldenquagsire


    I thought it was because people read headlines like "MAN EATS DEAD BABIES THEN KICKS A PUPPY" and don't realise that these are exceptionally rare incidents which happen to get airtime/column space precisely because they're rare.
  3. goldenquagsire


    being well-read isn't necessarily a prerequisite for debating politics on a forum dedicated to children's video games.
  4. goldenquagsire


    this would be a valid criticism, except that a lot of young people are appallingly ignorant of literature. :|
  5. goldenquagsire


    so you're content with a pisspoor education system and an underwhelmingly short life expectancy for a large proportion of the population as long as you can wave your financial dick around the world stage?
  6. goldenquagsire


    is this the same guy who said "gays are all fags" or some such in the homosexuality thread? I haven't really been paying attention.
  7. goldenquagsire


    Greece and Portugal came 25th and 34th. You've conveniently ignored the 7 European countries in the top 10, the 9 in total which did better than the US and the 15 which make up the top 20.
  8. goldenquagsire


    USSR collapsed in a miserable soggy heap and socialist Europe... consistently tops the Human Development Index? I'm not sure socialism and communism have produced the same results.
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