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Search results

  1. H

    TCoD's recipe book

    effing HEALTHY GOODNESS GUYS hot pot cooking- soup! you need: a large amount of raw and cooked stuff, like beef,bamboo,eggs,mushrooms,etc NOODLES Water A hot pot cooker Put water into the cooker. Add the raw and cooked stuff. Wait. Eat.
  2. H

    TCoD's recipe book

    also EPIC SODA 1 can of Dr.Pepper 1can of root beer 1 can of Sprite 1 can of Coke 1 can of Pepsi Optional: A can of club soda Pour all of the above into a freaking huge pitcher. Stir, add ice cubes, and enjoy. Don't drink this after 7:00 :/
  3. H

    TCoD's recipe book

    if you are serious, I just have to tell 2 things: 1. To determine the old parts of the bamboo, plunge your thumb into it. if it doesn't go in, it's old. 2. THE RECIPIE IS ONLY A ROUGH VERSION, I FORGOT HOW TO DO SOME PARTS D:
  4. H

    TCoD's recipe book

    Bamboo soup. 1 bag of bamboo 1 pot of the chicken broth you made Some green onions Boil the bamboo 2 or more times,then remove the old parts. Boil the young parts, then chop them up. Dump them in the broth. Chop the green onions thinly and cook them with the soup. I think that's how it goes...
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