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Search results

  1. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    A shot in the history of ITA shots that I have ever seen, in my entire life, in 3 y
  2. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    aaaaand i have dinner anyways rip bye since I sort of have to go immediately ~zori
  3. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    I have like 3 other things I'm doing at the same time rip this EoD ~zori
  4. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    should I bother to backread ~zori
  5. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    stryke if you're going to shoot our hydra for the memes at least shoot the one without a +EV action (that being me) ~mist
  6. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    so whats the point of speculating on who tucker is out of curiosity ~mist
  7. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    also why did tucker address sande specifically what ~mist
  8. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    unvote @rari_teh can you tell me if that worked now ~mist
  9. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    tucker33 ok if no one else wants to ~mist
  10. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    i may have lied i do not see i have no clue what's going on ~mist
  11. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    hmm yes i see ~mist
  12. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    :? ~mist
  13. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    i also did not get any individual notifications despite zori being the one who actively does our actions i also get the vague feeling that we weren't supposed to figure this out d1 ~mist
  14. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    we were allowed to submit on a full hydra and i was allowed to submit zori's action for her but i'm not sure if it like actually worked or anything?? ~mist
  15. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    ha imagine being straight couldnt be me ~mist
  16. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    ok you know what i am going to assume since i am not in a mafia chat that i am not mafia even though i technically do not have a town role pm or i just dont exist mechanically and im just a part of the flavor actually that second idea makes more sense ~mist
  17. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    im too lazy to log out of mine on mobile so no ~mist
  18. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    okay in response to that wallpost i am willing to reveal that our role PM only explicitly confirms Zori's role and not mine - i am referred to in flavor but not in terms of game mechanics ~mist
  19. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    this game will probably be over in 3 days ~mist
  20. lolfoxes

    knives alley hydra mafia

    better idea stryke
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