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Search results

  1. magnemite

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    I just updated my lineup and am ready for more comments, I swapped Unfezant for Swoobat; Duosion for Druddigon; and changed the moves and leveled as much as I could.
  2. magnemite

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    Dragon Claw is a TM, what is Tynamo? And Servine is currently Lv 27 and in the PC
  3. magnemite

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    I've decided to keep Druddigon, due to her ability + Atk + Night Slash, which is and awesome attack with high crit ratio (plus it's a dark move with a pokemon that's not weak to fighting or bug.) As for psychic, i'm working on getting Reuniclus by level up. As for Swoobat, I guess i'll change...
  4. magnemite

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    Well, I knew they were underleveled. I was hoping for comments on the pokemon/moves before I go and train them all too much. I'll try to change it and post my updated team after school.
  5. magnemite

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    Probably a good thing. I'll find something to switch it with and update...
  6. magnemite

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    Alright, I can't beat the elite 4. I know I need to train, but here is my current Pokemon white team: Example: (Sprite) (level) (hold item) (Stats) (nature), (gender), (ability) Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Durant Lv 41, None HP 100; Atk 104; Def 101; Sp Atk 51; Sp Def 47; Spd 104 Hardy, M...
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