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Search results

  1. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom glompyglomp
  2. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Cloudy ate the candy!!
  3. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom >:c
  4. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom yay pie DarkAura, I think I'll refrain from having any.
  5. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom I. Here. Too. ...or aaaaaaam I *spooky music* *slaps self* Yeah, I'm here.
  6. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom If you wanted, I could ref it here with my freaking huge posts. I also aspire to ref :D I did applyyyyy SO WHO HERE ACCEPTS FAKE BATTLE DarkAura: Uh, two turn moves occur in one by default in ASB, I think.
  7. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom *walks in* WHY IS THERE FREAKING FIRE AROUND ME quick Aquaggle, I choose you Poliwag WATER GUN x9!!
  8. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom okay, Blazie... ... "ARHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" okay fine you know what *recalls into Poke Ball* Hello, Swift. Taillow *chirp* She is now flying around. :3 She's really nice. *chirp* *tweet* She says she'd like some leaves but it's okay if no one has it...
  9. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Blazetail sniffed the berry. ... "ARHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Look, now she's howling.
  10. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Mintleaf's happy, but where is my cheesecake in ~awesome sauce~ :( Oh. Blazetail's also here. Vulpix She wants lava, with a side of igneous rocks. She's nicer though, she won't hurt anyone. She'll just howl if she doesn't get it.
  11. mewtini

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom can we can we have like cheesecake on a stick, dipped in ~awesome sauce~? ~Awesome sauce~ is so awesome you need to always use tildes around it or else, you'll be punished. Did I mention I brought along my ASB Pokemon for a stroll? Come along, Mintleaf. Snivy She demands...
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