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Search results

  1. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((O YESH :D Thanks Icalasari. Can I take on a secret Robot-Human identity?))
  2. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((OK, not going to post here anymore because a) Not much I can do and b) It's almost over, anyways.)) Jason's Pokemon, not knowing what to do, found a group of Pokemon in the forest, and decided to stay and live with them, becoming wild Pokemon themselves.
  3. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((I think the only problem with that is this: where would the PC and shop be? Would you go down the mountain, get back up again, and continue? But I think you can, but you would have to be "away" for a while. Also, can I control Regigigas?))
  4. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((XD @Echo)) Jason's Latias, still in the bushes, whispered to the Regigigas, "We can help you if you want. Those darn humans are meanies!"
  5. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((D: Jason's dead XD))
  6. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((Can I make Regigigas say something to set up a fight?))
  7. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((If it's not major damage, then yes.)) As Jason's Pokemon continued following Eric's group, they suddenly heard the sound of a Regigigas. They huddled together safely and continued on cautiously.
  8. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    After the Ditto Transformed back Jason's Pokemon ran into a forest, all hurt. After given Softboileds, they decided that they would try and stalk Eric and Ohayou secretly.
  9. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((Let's break it down.)) ((OK, normal...)) ((... -_- ...)) ((o_O))
  10. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((D:< No big weaknesses! Oh well...)) As Flop went down fast, Cutzums threw an egg towards her, and the fake Lakinay was more refreshed now, eating the egg fast. However, Flop was hit hard. "Go on.... I'm a bit tired..." it said, using a Refresh. Glyde used a Water Pulse to Sinferno in...
  11. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    Flip said in Pokemon, "Darn! They're strong!" She was hurt, but used Recover. Flop replied, "DUH! They're the real ones!" Flip used a Flame Wheel to absorb attacks and to get heated up again, while Flip went and Hydro Pumped the real Sinferno, with the Water being effective on the Volcano...
  12. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((*Facepalms*)) All of a sudden Flip jumped on Sinferno and transformed into him. Flop surprised Lakinay and became her.
  13. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    Jason's Pokemon took a huge crap, ten intitiated their plan by having Glyde hide on top of the roof with Flip and Flop, and Patrick go inside the Rocket building and having Cutzums hiding in a safe area for a quick heal if needed.
  14. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((Blame Icalasari XD))
  15. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((Sorry, my computer was acting weird, so post came in late. Yeah.)) Glyde said in Pokemon, "Sneak attack on 3! 1... 2..."
  16. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((Agreed. It was kinda disappointing, this one D:)) EDIT: Oooh my Pokemans find their way here somehow :D All of Jason's Pokemon hid on the side of the now almost vacant building, planning an epic surprise attack.
  17. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((Awww... No epic 10+ page chase scene D: Next RP should be as long as the first one, methinks.))
  18. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((This is getting really off topic, huh? XD))
  19. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    ((Nah, he legally changed his name to Joe again. But you better get that half pie I ate up made back, otherwise he has no full pie-ness powers.))
  20. o_O

    Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

    Giovanni went to his Rocket Rocket. "SEE YOU SUCKERS LATER!" he said, zooming up out of the open roof too fast for anyone to possibly catch him.
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