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  1. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    Trigonometric functions are trigonometry, not geometry. :( Also: hypotenuse. Plus tangent is opposite over adjacent so uh.
  2. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    so guys for what values of k is the straight line y = kx + 1 a tangent to the circle (x-5)^2 + (y-1)^2 = 9
  3. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    Many things! Knowledge, truth, existence, to name a few.
  4. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    No, not really. Philosophy is pretty damn complicated, and yeah, somewhere in there existence is definitely discussed (see: existentialism) but saying that philosophy aims to find the meaning of life is utterly ridiculous. It's only one thing among many.
  5. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    also anyone who honestly thinks philosophy is about the meaning of life should probably get an updated definition
  6. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    I would be much obliged if you told my school :(
  7. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    no, in 4th grade it's "length times width equals area". >:( also uh apparently I will be learning differentiation at the end of this year (junior) and next year is mostly calculus with some statistics and probability thrown in. I've no idea how exciting, but calculus is taught in high school here.
  8. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    oh god what the past few days have shattered my opinion of the US and UK maths syllabus :( what the hell guys get your acts together >:(
  9. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    I get trigonometry, but why the hell are you grouping geometry with it? Basic geometry, ie. the kind of thing you'd learn around 7th/8th grade is like "side a times side b equals area". Seriously.
  10. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    wait, what? my eyes must have glazed over reading that part of the thread. I seem to be fairly lucky in that I have a pretty awesome maths teacher, though, which might contribute to my love of the subject; but then everyone else in my class save... one person? hates it so uh maybe not.
  11. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    welcome to the story of my life :( maybe you can do two maths classes 8) Jean-Michel Cousteau! ... :D?
  12. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    what is your justification for this?
  13. opaltiger

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    people are constantly amazed that I both read upwards of that amount and spend hours on the internet. it's like the two MUST be mutually exclusive or something. also guys holy crap algebra is not complicated maths (don't even get me started on geometry). if you do, do me a favour and start at...
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