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Search results

  1. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    I still don't see why they couldn't teleport the egg between it and, say, the eastern fringe of the forest. I mean, how is riding across the entire country meant to be in any way safer? What details? Well, no, it is protecting the Empire. Rebels want to overthrow the empire. Destroying...
  2. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    I did mean the former, yes. The picture you linked to was misleading, though, since a flamberge can refer to a rapier. If they were to transport it from one of their strongholds to a remote place on the fringe of the forest, it still seems to be a lot safer than traversing the entire...
  3. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    I am guessing they are ignoring you either because a) they don't read the comments or b) you aren't actually quoting the book. First off: The argument still stands; why couldn't they have just walked a few feet out of the forest, sent the egg on its merry way, then gone back? Just because...
  4. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    Well I was looking more for specifics about their supposed inability to argue their way out of English class, but let's look at this comment. The point was that Eragon is definitely not set in a society equivalent to ours. Thus, things like slavery would logically be more acceptable than they...
  5. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    this indicates to me that you have not read a single article on the site specifics? what when ... wtf Paolini
  6. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    My point is that he never dwells on it. Sure, Paolini realises maybe he should add in a passage about it, but it doesn't change anything - afterwards, everything is back to normal. There is no development.
  7. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    Fine, then, we can get away with a little over twenty. Maybe thirty. A hundred at the outside. Also elves don't age quite the same way and it is in no way a reach to assume that Arya is perfectly qualified to become a dragon rider. Besides, it is blindingly obvious that AryaxEragon is going to...
  8. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    All of these have been done to death in other, better books. I refuse to believe your library has Inheritance and not some of these (off the top of my head: Robin Hobb, Anne McCaffrey, George R. R. Martin, Tolkien). But this is all setting; is there nothing about the characters, the story, the...
  9. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    That's still not telling me what about the book is good (except that it's long, which is a pretty terrible reason to like a book). So you have a limited selection; okay, but still, surely there was something about the book that made you go "oh, hey, I like this"? I mean, just because it's one of...
  10. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    I have pointed out what I thought was good (or at least an improvement). If there is not very much of that, well, not my problem. I am not trying to squash anyone's opinion. In fact, I would love to hear your opinion, as long as it goes beyond "it's awesome!". I like discussion. If you could...
  11. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    yeah because Murtagh is totally less than twenty. of all the other candidates you listed, the two elf children were mentioned in passing in one of the final chapters in the penultimate book; having one of them be it would be rather anticlimactic. Elva is morally ambiguous, heaven forbid she get...
  12. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    okay so I just finished Brisingr. let's start with the positive points there is marginally less purple prose! what there is is still terrible though. and uh the plot is deviating away from Star Wars slightly, although it is still ridiculously predictable. and um some of the characters are...
  13. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    well obviously that isn't the only thing wrong with it. the writing is incredibly flat and emotionless, as are the characters; everything is over described; the vocabulary used is ridiculous (in Eldest we had quatrains, now we have a soliloquy). And so on. edit: if someone can give me a good...
  14. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    In case you can't be bothered to read the pages Furret kindly linked to: Plot is not setting. The same story can take place in space, in medieval Europe, or in modern London and it would still be the same story. For example: Romeo and Juliet. The basic story of two lovers separated by their...
  15. opaltiger

    Inheritance Cycle

    From the "previously on": You call this good writing? Also wow the subtitle what the fucking hell. I will read it, but only out of principle - I can hardly detail everything that's wrong with it without reading it, can I? eta: also holy exposition batman. Despite there being a previously...
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