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Search results

  1. S

    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    Hey, guys. I'm really, really sorry, but I'm gonna have to put this game on hold for a while. My laptop's cooling fan decided to quit working, so it's out of commission right now. I'll try to get it fixed as soon as I can, but it might be a while. I'm typing on a school computer right now...
  2. S

    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    Castform: Accepted! ...Good. I think that's a good start. I'll get the thread up once IRL stops kicking my ass. @_@
  3. S

    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    ...I did? Derp, gonna go fix that x3 And Squirrel: Accepted!
  4. S

    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    Lookin' good, Moony. Approved!
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    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    Coloursfall: >:T Aside from your VERY CHEEKY GESTURE of ruining the perfect balance of my beautiful form, accepted. But you better watch your butt, mister. Arylett: Accepted!
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    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    surskitty: Approved!
  7. S

    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    Sure thing! :3 Also, forgot to mention: Thorne, you were accepted. :D
  8. S

    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    Uhuhuhu I'd better get started on my form o3o Name: Sunflower Shine Gender: Female Race: Earth Pony Appearance: Here's a picture. Certainly a bright and sunny-looking filly, with big brown eyes and a short but thick mane that has a tendency to get a little frizzy. She has a tail to match, and...
  9. S

    My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

    Welcome to the beautiful land of Equestria! Your adventure begins in Ponyville, a lovely little village where everypony works hard together to keep everything running like clockwork. They make the seasons come and go, maintain the growth of the plants and the changing of the weather, and for...
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