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Search results

  1. shadow_lugia

    If you had a Pokemon Gym...

    Oh yeah, puzzles: Dragon: Find your way through the maze and jump over the chasms by walking onto a jump tile, which launches you across so you can advance Psychic: Correctly predict whether the dice will land on an odd or an even number when you move across teleporters. If you predict...
  2. shadow_lugia

    If you had a Pokemon Gym...

    Oh, another: Psychic: Trainer 1: Abra | Lv. 14 | M | Synchronize Teleport, Hidden Power Drowzee | Lv. 17 | M | Insomnia Headbutt, Confusion, Disable, Hypnosis Trainer 2: Exeggcute | Lv. 16 | M | Chlorophyll Leech Seed, Reflect, Hypnosis, Barrage Ralts | Lv. 19 | F | Trace Confusion, Lucky...
  3. shadow_lugia

    If you had a Pokemon Gym...

    I would probably have one of three gyms Dragon: Trainer 1: Bagon | Lv. 27 | M | Rock Head Ember, Focus Energy, Headbutt, Leer Dratini | Lv. 27 | F | Shed Skin Agility, Slam, Dragon Rage, Twister Trainer 2: Trapinch | Lv. 29 | M | Arena Trap Sand Tomb, Faint Attack, Sand Attack, Bite Gible...
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