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Search results

  1. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    ((I didn't make it ginormously huge or bold to prevent page-stretching. Waaaah D: I'll pretend like nothing happened because I don't know that it happened yet :D)) Thorn looked up once again at the Dragonite who had just entered. She had never really understood how a creature with such puny...
  2. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    ((Wait... castle? I thought that we had, like, dug a fortress into a mountain or something o.o))
  3. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Thorn summoned the legendary trio into her lair to tell them about Myuutsu, getting a real shock when only Zapdos and Moltres showed up. Immediately switching her attention, she asked, "Where is Blizzard?" "We don't know, Mistress," said Moltres. "We haven't seen her for a while. Since last...
  4. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    (Permission to control Shadow Zapdos and Moltres for a short scene?)
  5. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    This, Thorn thought, was the best part of being in power; to be able to tell people what to do and not get told what to do in return because of it. "Bring him here, wherever he is, whatever the cost. Injure him if nessecary, but make sure he gets here alive. "...The pleasure of what comes next...
  6. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    "What!?" she squawked. "How dare he? Communicating with someone not on our side, and not trying to bring them here? I would probably understand if it were a family member, but he has no connections I know of, least of all to a Mesprit! This is an outrage, treachery, treason! Where is he? I will...
  7. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Thorn looked up and snapped out of evil plots. "Ah, yes. Go on then," she croaked.
  8. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    The guards gave Kali a scanning glance before stepping aside to allow her through.
  9. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    (...I'm assuming I control them, yes?)
  10. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    ((Except you can teleport o.O))
  11. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    (You're right :D But I don't mind being called Master. Mmm~ Sounds sexy, Master Thorn)
  12. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Thorn was flying over another part of the forest, hunting. She was an exceptional hunter at night. She would have blended in almost perfectly with the sky, had it not been for her huge, red eyes. She watched and listened. Despite the fact that her eyes ruined her nighttime camoflauge, she was...
  13. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Sorry, forgot about this. Name: Thorn Pokemon: Shadow Lugia Gender: Female Side: Shadow Moves: Shadow Blast, Shadow Down, Shadow Remove, Shadow Storm Personality: Thorn is quite spiteful and holds grudges. She is generally grumpy all the time. Her mood has worsened since Blizzard escaped. (If...
  14. shadow_lugia

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Reserving spot as Shadow Lugia because I don't feel like filling it out right now :P
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