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Search results

  1. shadow_lugia

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Thorn jumped on Shana's back behind Angelo, grabbing a couple of backpacks in addition to her own. "I'd probably die if I had to slither this whole way, and where would that leave us? I'll be one of the best to find Suicune, not to mention Manaphy." Checking to see everyone who had wanted to had...
  2. shadow_lugia

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Thorn ran after the others, shouting, "Wait for meeeee!" She caught up to find the others in Pokemon form to fight other Pokemon, to her dismay. She was in between a rock and a hard place. She improvised by kung-fu kicking a Mightyena.
  3. shadow_lugia

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    "I can transform into a Flying type," said Thorn, "but I can't fly. Beats me why the hell that is." (I know it comes from that Chinese legend, but it doesn't mention that the dragons can fly, now does it?)
  4. shadow_lugia

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Thorn had no need to grope inside a bag. She wore her morphing material all the time, even when asleep. However, she did not transform. Not until she was near water, due to a Gyarados' non-amphibious-ness.
  5. shadow_lugia

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    "And I'm Thorn," Thorn said. "It's a bit of an odd name, but oh well. So, uh, we were going to find Suicune next, right? It'll be a relief to get in a lake." She sighed contentedly.
  6. shadow_lugia

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    I'll keep my old self :/ Name: Thorn Age: 12 Gender: Female Pokemorph: Shiny Gyarados Appearance: Thorn has bright red hair and hazel eyes. She usually wears jeans, and is always wearing a t-shirt made of red Gyarados scales. Personality: Thorn is carefree and optimistic, although she acts more...
  7. shadow_lugia

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    I'll reserve a spot; I have to leave for school now >.> I'll have Uxie as a teacher again.
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