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Search results

  1. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Thorn and Blaze now walked the empty streets. They were following the pawprints, wondering what had happened to the Blaze of the past. The pawprints came to an abrupt stop. The last thing of Thorn's past was gone forever. She didn't know why, but every time she started...
  2. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Thorn woke up. She was in a small town in Kanto. The very town where she had been born and raised. The one where she had met Blaze, her first Pokemon, who had been a pet before she started training. The place she had been when the world had ended. The streets were empty. No...
  3. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End ((I must've forgotten about her, but my plan was to actually have the Skarmory join my team :X Guess I forgot to put that and that her name was Fury... Let's just assume I did for this post)) "No, no, no, I'm not going!" stammered the Growlithe as he felt the pull, fighting...
  4. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Blaze, who had been let out earlier by Thorn, whimpered and laid his small ears against his skull. "I hate this place..." he whispered. "It's... I can feel them... Hear them... But they're not there... I don't want..." Thorn kept her fright inside of her long enough to ask...
  5. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End ((Nor with me :P Give me something to do...))
  6. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End "...Whoa," said Thorn as the landscape suddenly changed. "That was weird. I thought it would feel like, you know, Apparating in Harry Potter or something."
  7. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Thorn recalled all her Pokemon; feeling somewhat lonely. There wasn't a time she could remember when there wasn't atleast one Pokemon out with her, not counting the very brief period before a battle. Atleast Blip can keep me company, she thought. She's so obnoxious that she'll...
  8. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End (accepting 1 person, if they apply quick) Thorn and her Pokemon were also silent. None of them had been particularly close to Staro, especially Claw, but they still felt like something was missing in their lives. Blaze whimpered and pressed himself close to Thorn, who...
  9. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Thorn was mostly silent because she was looking at Blip, amused by the Ditto's antics. She personally found it kind of cute, like when a puppy stole someone's money out of a purse. Then she looked back to Meredith. "Of course I still want to go," she said. "It would help a lot...
  10. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End ((I suppose I wouldn't mind.))
  11. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End The awful pressure that Swirl was worried about didn't come, though. After a second, he carefully opened one eye. The Lairon had stopped. It had missed. Refraining from jumping excitedly in his unbelievable luck, he acted of his own accord again, squirting a stream of water at...
  12. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End And Thorn said, "You're not being a brat pest!" D: Swirl saw the large, iron-hard form barreling towards him, and instinctively ran for it. His legs were very short, so they couldn't carry him far in a short time. He hoped that he wasn't about to be squished.
  13. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Thorn observed her opponent with calculating eyes, trying to remember its disadvantages. If she did remember correctly, water was among them. With a lighthearted smile, she sent out Swirl, amusement flickering in her eyes when he slapped his tail on the ground, intending to...
  14. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Through the debris, Thorn could see the fallen form of the Growlithe. He lay unmoving, obviously fainted. Covering her eyes against the dust, she grasped clumsily for his ball and tried to aim at the spot where she thought Blaze had been laying. Fortunately, she heard the...
  15. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Blaze yipped and instinctively tried to dodge; he didn't need an order to know to do that. However, Steelix was too big, and the Tackle hit. Blaze barked in pain as he was knocked over, but he managed to get up again. "Good," murmurred Thorn. "Let's try a Heat Wave!" she...
  16. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End ((D: *does not appreciate being poked*)) Thorn thought for a moment, and sent out Blaze. "You're just as good with special attacks as physical ones," she said, half to herself. "Alright, Blaze, how about a Flamethrower?"
  17. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Thorn sat upright. "Sure," she said as Blaze sniffed Meredith's sneakers (or whatever shoes she's wearing, if any). "It'll give us something to do." "I might evolve!" yelled Swirl excitedly. "Me too," said Magma, "although I'm not sure it would be comfortable heaving a rock...
  18. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Claw was relieved to have an excuse to not have to think up a reason for the naive Scizor. "Yes and no," she growled. "She knows I'm out here somewhere, but she doesn't know exactly where outside."
  19. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Claw grimaced at having been caught. "It's just too hurtful to have the disappointment of not saving the world from this," she gestured around them. "And the only way to not face it is to not hope that it will be saved. This is an impossible task. There's no way we can...
  20. shadow_lugia

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End There came a small explosion from the Pokemon Center (no it did not explode, just the noise). "Flame, you idiot," snapped Magma. "What the hell were you trying to do?" Flame blushed. "I wanted to try making a life-size Onix to win after you made that mini-Kyogre." "Remind me...
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