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  1. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    (And Thorn was, like, shouting pointlessly at them to stop or something in the background.)
  2. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star (o.O Palkia can't use Roar of Time. You mean Spacial Rend?)
  3. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn looked between the two, scratching her head for a few seconds, before accepting the Skittles, planning to eat them later as she couldn't right now.
  4. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn zoomed up to the Mew morph and cocked her head, putting on a face like a puppy dog had when begging for human scraps of food.
  5. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "But it's good for your tongue!" she protested.
  6. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "But I haven't had sugar in days," she whined. "I want my 3 Musketeers."
  7. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star At this frantic outbreak, Thorn started singing, "Who can take a sunriiiiiiiise? Sprinkle it with dewwww? The candymaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Oh, the candymaaaaan caaaaaaaan."
  8. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn looked at this newcomer, and then stupidly said in a voice that sounded surprisingly like a young boy's, "It's the candyman!"
  9. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn mimed this trick, except for with water.
  10. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn laughed at how the others had caught on so quickly and zoomed up the mountainside.
  11. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn, however, flew up into the sky and landed five feet in front of them at regular intervals just to frustrate them.
  12. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn looked around at the people in the cave. "I told you so!" she said.
  13. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((Now is the time that an overwhelming stentch enters the cave. Use your imagination on how truely disguisting it is))
  14. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn said, "Oh, that's just because my butt is facing that way, sorry. Prepare for nose-holding."
  15. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn looked over, and said, "I'll be fine out here."
  16. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star (Mine isn't >:)) Thorn also landed in the snow, but she was well fit for it, as Lugia originated from the far north.
  17. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Oh, you're a guy and a Moltres... Prepare to be flirted with >:3
  18. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn decided to become full Lugia, for a change, and floated alongside her comrades, still laughing inside. She was planning more mischeif.
  19. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn jumped and ran away from Sean towards the group, laughing her head off. She heard the last comment and said, "Yeah... Let's go..." before resuming laughing.
  20. shadow_lugia

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Thorn had also woken up early and gone to river. She saw some rich, goopy mud, and she scooped some up in her cupped hands, then ran up to Sean and shouted, "Merry Christmas!" splattering it in his face and laughing histarically.
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