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Search results

  1. shy ♡


    Eh, you're getting philosophical; my own philosophical views will differ from yours on this matter, there really isn't a correct view. Again, personally, what species are supposed to do doesn't matter, we've sort of moved beyond that (as you've said, the ability to recognize it). It really isn't...
  2. shy ♡


    Personally it has less to do with humans as individuals and more the impact we cause as a species; we tend to not be bastards on a case-by-case basis but, you know, we sort of suck. What with the deforestation and global warming and killing off species, etc.
  3. shy ♡


    I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say these are not the sort debating politics on tcod.
  4. shy ♡


    Guys these are all really famous/successful books you're recommending. It's rather redundant. Like saying 'hey you should check out the internet it's a cool place'.
  5. shy ♡


    Socialism v Communism. Wiki is your friend.
  6. shy ♡


    Are you saying that life expectancy and education are not important enough to be considered? Socialism, democracy, communism - they weren't created just for the economy. The economy is a way of running the system which in turn is meant to support people. The people are what matter, not the money.
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