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Search results

  1. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Yeahhh, I'm actually kind of amused at just how hard some fans are taking the 3 episode thing. (Also the cliffhanger at the end - really, how else are you supposed to end a trilogy? Squee happy ending? No thanks.) Watch more British television. :v Ranyhow... my sister's bringing back my DVD...
  2. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Fratice, the BBC Sherlock really does follow the book. That is, in a modern setting. But most purists, from what I've heard, really really love it, and the writers (aside from the second episode writer, of whom I'm not sure) are purists themselves, which is why they chose to make the show...
  3. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    The only Sherlock-related thing I'd ever seen before uh, the BBC Sherlock was the RDJ one, which I definitely did not see because it was about SH. So I wasn't, and still don't enjoy the series because it's about SH; it's just a gorram awesome show. I got into reading and obsessing over Sherlock...
  4. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Oh my god, people scare me. :[ I hate when things are judged without having been seen - really, why do people do that? It makes absolutely no sense. And a complete lack of knowledge of how British television works is ridiculous. :| Not everything is Hollywood, mmk. I'm not one to... generalize...
  5. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    HIGNFY is awesome I'm so excited the season has started and that I can now watch it on youtube, lol. I've never been into fanmixes but I doooo love the Scissor Sisters. :D And am currently listening to I Can't Decide, yesss. Ahaha it does so fit. Oh god. ... Too perfect wow. Okay I might have...
  6. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Omg Dannichu have I mentioned that I love you ; ; BECAUSE I DO. I should have known youtubes would have it, everything's on the youtubes. Eeee. <333 "So far the only miner to emerge from the tube with a beard!" "Is that the woman that put the cat in the bin?" Ahg. Too good.
  7. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Oh pft, I never cared much for Star Wars. :[ But still that's just one trilogy, while for most of them the second is always the worst.
  8. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Which trilogies are you thinking of? From what I've seen the second always seems to be a way of passing the time until the third. Okay I am so jealous of your friends. ; ; You have awesome friends auhg. And nooo I haven't seen HIGNFY I usually have to wait for the season to come out in order...
  9. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    "WILL THEY EVER GET IT ON?! Just kiss him!" xD Oh my god I love this. And 'Oh, crumpets...' is the best swear ever. What channel is it airing on in the US? Idk, I assume we'll get some new peoples to the fanbase, at least. I also love the extra time to the episodes, it makes them really...
  10. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Oh my some lovely new linkage. :D Olol Moriarty; Non-BBC Holmes but with pokemon[/url]; Grenada Mycroft + pokemon; Watson + pokemon and BBC Sherlock + Pokemon. There's more in their gallery too. |D Lots of slash. Anyhow. Fandom tends to stay pretty active even while shows aren't airing, it's...
  11. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Omg. "Short but surprisingly strong" I died. "There's lipstick on the glass but don't wipe it off or your mouth will look too small" oh god. That is just... too awesome. Way too awesome. Stephen actually did look a bit heavier in the most recent QI and I was wondering why, haha. I really...
  12. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Guh, I found a barely-downloadable torrent of Sherlock Holmes and the Spider Woman. Hopefully I'll get it. :[ If not I'll go buy it. Also I am squeeing with you about Stephen Fry. |D I wasn't so sure I'd see the second RDJ Sherlock movie but - oh god. Perfect casting is perfect. And Stephen...
  13. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Dannichu, please recommend more movies. ; ; I'm downloading those you've mentioned so far. I might just google Sherlock-movies or something. Hrr. Anyhow, an actual American Irene would be good, yes. >>; Or someone who can do an actual American accent. I don't know why it's so difficult to do...
  14. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Yep. And yeah, the scene was in the unaired pilot, which you should definitely see. Also: Shirlock Road, and so wrong but so good.
  15. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    Tbh I sorta wanna see a comeback of werewolf!vampire!Sherlock. But I also hope we don't see that. ... But I really do. ; ; I'm so torn. There are a lot of things from the pilot I want to see; drunk Sherlock and John realizing what's going wrong, for example. As for actual stories - I'd love to...
  16. shy ♡

    Sherlock Club

    ABOUT TIME THIS WAS STARTED. I suppose the people were noticed, but the police already knew about them, so it didn't make much difference? Also for the lulz: Lestrade's facebook, Mycroft's facebook, Sherlock's facebook and John's facebook. :D
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