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Search results

  1. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

  2. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    I just googled Eridan and I am not sure how to react.
  3. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    The thing is... you can see my roots, so I'd have to like, get the blue dye on my roots but not the tips of my hair and I don't think I can do that. And it wouldn't be a very strong blue because it's not bleached or anything, so I'd either have to bleach it or... it'd be dark blue, which is nice...
  4. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    n_n thank youuu. I'm thinking of dying the blond-part blue but idk if I should just leave it I am just so impulsive ahrgdfg. I think I'll wait for... a bit... and see how I feel.
  5. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Ewan how do you sleep like that. (also 'we'd fallen asleep together' pfff.) I has new haircut and relatively new glasses. And a new cabinet.
  6. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Dyed my hair. I've actually been dyeing it for months, gradually, but yep. Also, I need new shirts. Blehg. Compare to old hair. Also note I got my eyebrow pierced. :D And dog.
  7. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Y'all are super pretty and, uv, I look 12 too. I also think of it as a good thing because Chris looks 12 :D :D :D because when I'm old I'll look young-ish! Yay. I don't wanna be old. Also I has camera too. *proves* Pointing at dog one, pointing at dog two, trying to fit into tiny webcam space.
  8. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    My nose... you guess? I don't think I've ever received a stranger compliment. But thanks, I guess. :v
  9. shy ♡

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    I got a new haircut and got it dyed and I feel all ~speshul~ :D
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