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Search results

  1. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Er, moves generally cost more energy depending on their strength. That's just... how they're reffed. The 9% energy is just the cost of Spotlight itself; if the move she's using gets continuously stronger it will naturally cost more energy. I increased the usage...
  2. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office The drawback is that it's stuck using the same attack repeatedly for a set amount of actions (not turns >|). I could increase the usage gap, but personally that seems like a pretty significant drawback, considering the effectiveness of a well-placed encore.
  3. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office :| why am I ignored
  4. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Evolving! [Rachel] staryu (x) <Natural Cure> into [Rachel] starmie (x) <Natural Cure> Water Stone and battle. Also updating her sig move. Signature Move: Spotlight "Metaphors are important. My gold stars are a metaphor for me being a star." Rachel is a...
  5. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office One Electirizer, one Water Stone, and one Shiny Stone ($35).
  6. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Paranoid Arachnoid] spinarak (F) <Insomnia> Signature Attribute: Acute Paranoia Quite fittingly, Paranoid Arachnoid lives a life of fear. She's a tiny bug in a world full of things that are out to stomp on her or burn her or, worst of all, eat her. So...
  7. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Err I think you're confusing Arachnoid with Muzencab here. [Paranoid Arachnoid] spinarak (F) <Insomnia> Signature Attribute: Acute Paranoia Quite fittingly, Paranoid Arachnoid lives a life of fear. She's a tiny bug in a world full of things that are out to...
  8. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Paranoid Arachnoid] spinarak (F) <Insomnia> Signature Attribute: Acute Paranoia Quite fittingly, Paranoid Arachnoid lives a life of fear. She's a tiny bug in a world full of things that are out to stomp on her or burn her or, worst of all, eat her. So...
  9. shy ♡

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Stuff [Muzencab] Beedrill (M) [Paranoid Arachnoid] Spinarak F (Insomnia) Mmm, they need custom moves and all, but that'll come later. :] Also Reaper Cloth.
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